Debuted in 2019
Cast List
- Minamoto Sakura: AdventTraitor
- Konno Junko: Victoria Bane
- Nikaido Saki: Koholint
- Yugiri: The Geeky Seamstress
Construction Highlights
- Victoria Bane painted her armsocks and tights to achieve the “stitched-together” look.
- Flared, knife-pleated skirts made using peau de soie.
- Base shoes purchased on Amazon and painted with Angelus Paints.
Additional Costume Details
- Wigs self-styled except for Yugiri, which was styled by Victoria Bane
Additional Credits
- Shirts purchased from Cosplay Closet Apparel
- Gloves and tights from We Love Colors
- Bodypaint: Mehron brand
- Sakura’s bow fabric by The Dangerous Ladies